Lexer matches a sequence of characters against a set of rule patterns.

An instance of Lexer is created once for each input and maintains state for that input. Tokens can then be obtained by calling the token method, passing an instance of Ruleset.

Rule sets can be created manually, or by calling the static buildRuleset method.


new (input:ByteData, ?sourceName:String)

Creates a new Lexer for input.

If sourceName is provided, it is used in error messages to denote the position of an error.

If input is null, the result is unspecified.


read onlycurrent:String

The String that was matched by the most recent invocation of the token method.


inline curPos ():Position

Returns the current position of this Lexer.

token<T> (ruleset:Ruleset<T>):T

Returns the next token according to ruleset.

This method starts with ruleset.state and reads characters from this input until no further state transitions are possible. It always returns the longest match.

If a character is read which has no transition defined, an UnexpectedChar exception is thrown.

If the input is in the end of file state upon method invocation, ruleset.eofFunction is called with this Lexer as argument. If ruleset defines no eofFunction field, a haxe.io.Eof exception is thrown.

If ruleset is null, the result is unspecified.

Static methods

staticbuildRuleset<Token> (rules:Array<{rule:String, func:Lexer ‑> Token}>, ?name:String):Ruleset<Token>

Builds a Ruleset from the given rules Array.

For each element of rules, its rule String is parsed into a Pattern using LexEngine.parse.

If rules is null, the result is unspecified.